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Showing posts from July, 2013

The Long and The Short of it (B&W Style)

Two lovely ladies happen to have a very similar skirt on and they both looked great! Black and white is timeless.  Rocked on the L in maxi style and on the R with the pencil!  This brings up the always interesting topic of "gray area" with modesty. Is there a gray area? Or is it simply black or white, modest or not?  I say, it is black and white. Keeping your style so you don't have to pull and tug or adjust any areas all day long to keep things covered is modest. And, it's totally cute! 

FUN (modest) Fashion!

Ok, so you all know the point of this blog is not to learn super high-fashion fashion tips right? It's about how being modest=confidence/happiness! But just because it's modest, doesn't mean it has to be boring! Outfits can be so fun!!! The office where I work gets the magazine Cosmopolitan (aka Cosmo) for the waiting room. To clarify the owners did NOT request or subscribe to this magazine as the values of the company are very different than the image to be set in the office waiting room. So, I usually look at it on lunch break, rip out a few semi useful articles, perfume samples or, even better, makeup coupons. Then it ends up in the trash can pretty fast. Sorry Cosmo. The latest issue (August) had a cute section called "Fun, Fearless, Shopping". And I LOVE fun fashion. I love to wear fun clothes because obviously, it is fun! AND this issue had a modest outfit! Basically, it was dressing up a sweatshirt. I couldn't find the link to the article to share b

Plain and Simple Modesty

This pencil skirt is my absolute favorite. I got it on sale a while back. It is a timeless classic and can easily be worn to work, church, date night or a fun night. Yep, I did wear it twice THIS WEEK :) Told you it was my favorite ;)   I love simple fashion. And washable fashion! You literally can find pencil skirts everywhere, in any color. I really like this navy blue dark denim look because it makes me feel like I'm wearing jeans to work.   Also, it is GREAT to wear in 90 degree weather with a million percent humidity. Skirts are the way to go to keep cool in the summer heat. They'll keep you cooler than booty pants =o. I wore them with a simple cotton blend top so I didn't have to wear any layers and get too sticky!  Hope you all are having a great day and smiling big bc modesty is beautiful! Hugs! 

A Modest Adventure!

Isn't she just a doll!?! Little Miss Lacey is one of my 15 nieces. I am super lucky to be blessed with such adorable, wonderful girls as nieces. I'm starting this blog in honor of them. When I was "younger", I didn't really care about modesty. If I was hot in the summer time, I wanted to wear as little as I could get away with. (Confession, I still do! But have learned the lesson of breathable fabrics :) But as I begin dating, learning more about myself, more about guys, about the gifts of our bodies, and watching probably too much Law and Order: SVU, a different perspective has grown. And now, I am a BIG FAN of Modesty :) What this blog is: I wanted this to be a place to share ideas of modesty in dress and virtue! I will be posting some simple outfits for various occasions (work, daily, fitness, church, wedding, swim) to share with everyone! What this blog is not: While some have said I have a good sense of style, I am NOT the fashion police. I enjoy clothi